Monday, April 16, 2012

... pix and the city ...

... like all other revolutions, Binary innovation has changed the way we do things ... super-complex numerical theorems, in combination with concurrent and subsequent technological advances like circuit boards and micro-chips, are paying us back for all those years we spent hating math ... today everyone's an amateur Avedon, digi-documenter, tab-tourist, pixel paparazzo or Vivitar voyeur ... all that's required are a few megapixels and something to point a lens at ...

... take a vortex location for instance, like New York City's model greenspace Central Park, throw in some co-operative sunshine courtesy of an early spring, stand in a single spot, swivel and focus, and it's possible to be all of the above and more ...

... my Canon Eos T2i got a good workout on that day and the results were well worth the effort, making me rue not having it on hand when travelling Down Under ... but now I'm salivating at the prospect of turning it loose in Jamaica on my next trip ...

 ... screech, hold up! ... not 'til just now did I stop to consider how many telephotos could've been aimed at me in return ... yikes ...

 ... things just ain't the same,
 anytime the hunter gets captured by the game ...


  1. I sometimes think people are so busy looking through their viewfinders that they forget to actually see what is around them.

    ps.just bought a fujifilm bridge camera.

  2. When I'm on a film shoot, filming, it's a zone like no other. You're purely operating on instinct and also hoping that the shots you turn out will be awesome - most of them anyway. It's not until you hit the cutting room floor (of course I mean my magic mobile video editing beast of a machine) and you look at the footage with fresh eyes as a viewer and have thoughts like, OMG I can't believe I shot that or how good it turned out. The camera allows us to see things that we otherwise wouldn't as it manages to capture still and moving moments in time that we would otherwise miss.


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